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Welcome to the website of the parish of Fortingall, Glenlyon, Kenmore and Lawers in Highland Perthshire.
On the 28th May 2019, the previously linked parishes of Fortingall, Glenlyon, Kenmore and Lawers were united in a sevice held at Kenmore Church and we are now one unitary parish. More recently, we have also linked with Rannoch Church.
We are a small but friendly congregation, serving a large and very beautiful geographical area. We meet for worship on alternate Sundays at 10am in Fortingall and Kenmore. Glenlyon holds occasional services and the church at Lawers is no longer in use having been sold some years ago. Happily, our Churches are places of interest and of worship to many visitors all of whom we are very pleased to welcome.
The post of Minister for our Parish is currently vacant.
Our services of worship are currently led by visiting Ministers and our Church Worship Team .
On the following pages you will read a little about the history of the Church in this area, and of the present buildings, as well as our current activities.
Do you shop online? Do it through easyfundraising.org.uk and raise a free donation for Kenmore and Lawers Church of Scotland every time you shop! Visit our page at https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kenmoreandlawerscos
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Bible Verse for Today
Philippians 1:29
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